Englishman: Now repeat after me ‘The weather in winter is frequently frosty’.
Aussie bloke: The weather in Wagga…
Englishman: The weather in winter.
Aussie bloke: The weather in win…ner.
Englishman: Winter.
Aussie bloke: Wint…ahhh!
Englishman: Good enough, go on.
Aussie bloke: The weather in win…tah is f…frequently frosty.
Englishman: By Jove he’s got it!
FVO: Australians have always struggled with the idea of winter. So here at Sunbeam we’ve been trying to make it easier for everyone.
One of our heated blankets is pretty much all you need to get through winter as if it didn’t exist.
So get a Sunbeam Sleep Perfect Heated Blanket and forget about winter.
Aussie bloke: The weather in winter will make me a whinger.
Englishman: That’ll do.